The Word has MORE than 50 Benefits:
- It reveals the will of God to us
- It will lighten your path
- It will instruct you
- It will keep you clean
- It will remind you God’s promises
- It will reveal your real Identity
- It will shape your character
- It will enhance your prayer life
- It will help you to sustain your freedom
- It will keep you fruitful
- It will make you wise
- It will Strengthen you
- It will give you hope
- It will answer some of your questions
- It will make you bold
- It will enable you face the battles of life
- It will make you hate Sin
- It will help you to grow Spiritually
- It will transform your mind
- It will enhance your fellowship with God
- It will enhance your fellowship with brethren
- It will help you in hearing the voice of God
- It will help you to walk in Righteousness
- It will guide you from false teachings
- It will supply joy to your spirit even in difficult times
- It makes us build better relationships with God
- It fills your mind with affirmations
- It gives us confidence
- It sets us free from deceits
- It satisfies our thirst
- It organizes our priorities
- It motivates us to help others
- It helps us conquer addiction
- It help us maintain a healthy life style
- It teaches us stewardship
- It helps us discover our purpose in life
- It sanctifies and purifies us
- It makes us to know the mind of God
- It help us not to sin
- It makes us wise
- It converts the soul
- It teaches us how to inherit eternal life
- It warns us of hell and lake of fire
- It teaches us forgiveness
- It open our eyes to see
- It counsels us
- It gives us courage
- It helps us fights temptation
- It guards our thoughts
- It relieves stress and It sheds light for us in the dark